The 2024 PEM fellows Conference will be held at the Renaissance Cleveland Hotel from Tuesday, April 16 through Thursday, April 18, 2024.
Meet the 2024 PEM Fellows Conference Faculty!
Pre-Conference Workshop: Pediatric Airway Management
12:30pm – 4:30pm
Renaissance Cleveland Hotel
Dr. Katie Edmunds, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Dr. Preston Dean, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Dr. Erin Hoehn, Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital
Dr. Josh Nagler, Boston Children’s Hospital
$50 per fellow
Learn a step by step approach to pediatric airway management and intubation from the leaders in the field via interactive simulation.
Tuesday April 16, 2024
4:00pm – 7:00pm
Forest City Assembly
Cocktails (cash bar)
5:30pm – 6:30pm
Forest City Assembly

Dinner Reception
Forest City Ballroom
Introduction & Welcome
7:00pm – 7:15pm
Susan Fuchs, MD & Charles Macias, MD, MPH
Forest City Ballroom
American Academy of Pediatrics
7:15pm – 7:25pm
Deborah Hsu, MD, MEd
Forest City Ballroom
Emergency Medical Services for Children & The Pediatric Pandemic Network
7:25pm – 7:40pm
Charles Macias, MD, MPH
Forest City Ballroom
Plenary: Advocacy, Equity and Authenticity: Reflections on the Value Proposition of a Career in PEM
7:40pm – 8:40pm
Joseph Wright, MD, MPH
Forest City Ballroom
Training in, and the subsequent practice of, pediatric emergency medicine builds unique professional attributes. Management skills cultivated in the emergency department have the potential for application beyond the clinical environment that can amplify leadershipdevelopment and support personal growth. This presentation speaks to the realized value of an academically-oriented PEM career as reflectively seen through the lens of child advocacy, community engagement, and health equity.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Breakfast & Meet the Faculty
7:00am – 8:00am
Forest City Ballroom
Plenary: The Power of Collaboration to Answer Important Questions
8:00am – 9:00am
Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH
Forest City Ballroom
Serious diseases and outcomes are uncommon in children. Multicenter collaborations are needed to generate high quality evidence and to influence clinical care. In this plenary, the speaker will explore the power of collaboration in research and the importance in developing a fulfilling career in pediatric emergency medicine. By using personal vignettes, the speaker will tell the story behind a decade of practice-changing discovery.
9:00am – 9:15am
Workshops / Session 1A
Choose one of five
9:15am – 10:30am
Novel Presentation Techniques
Javier Gonzalez def Rey, MD, MPH, MEd
Ambassador Ballroom
Are you tired of the same presentation styles–same Power Point Presentations, traditional formats? During this interactive workshop, attendees will discuss their presentation styles, andcompare with novel presentation techniques which promote audience engagement andparticipation. These styles are used in non-medical settings with great success and, mostimportantly, great responses from audiences.
Thinking about Thinking: Diving into Cognitive Biases
Michelle Eckerle, MD & Joshua Nagler, MD, MPHEd
Glenn Room
We all make some decisions that later turn out to be…well, suboptimal. As clinicians and educators, understanding the way we think can provide important insights into why this happens, and help us better provide optimal clinical care and guide our learners. This interactive session is designed to expose fellows to relevant cognitive science principles and social science literature as it applies to the practice of clinical medicine and medical training. Key principles and theories will be introduced and applied through aseries of interactive exercises and small group activities, and participants willdevelop a framework for recognizing and mitigating cognitive biases.
There’s a school bus crash on 1-90!
Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH & Deanna Dahl-Grove, MD
Severance Room
Disaster preparedness is covered in PEM Fellowship, but would you really know what to do if disaster strikes? This session will explore some of the basic tenets of disaster preparedness: stages, (prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery), HEICS (Hospital Emergency Incident Command), incident command structure (command, operations, planning, logistics, financial/administration), and triage methods (jumpSTART, SALT). Then using an ED template, have teams determine where patients should go (red, yellow, green and black zones), and manage a constant influx of patients that overwhelm the ED, while trying to keep patient care and flow going.
Managing your Digital Identity in Healthcare
Brad Sobolewski, MD, MEd & Jason Woods, MD
Erie Room
Healthcare providers have increasingly large and important digital presences related to their professional work, including places many physicians do not know about. For instance, many fellows may not realize that Doximity creates a profile for them as soon as they become physicians, and there is no way to remove this profile. This session will review common tools for managing one’s digital presence and record (i.e., Google Scholar, Publons, Doximity, social media sites, University profile listings), techniques for benefiting from these resources, and strategies for reducing professional risk.
Tips to survive and thrive: Integrating career and home life
Kathy Shaw, MD, MSCE & Rebecca Shaw Green, MD
Van Aken Room
A career in pediatric emergency medicine can be challenging to balance with your homelife. Care for an aging parent or a young child can be present added challenges during busy training years. Shift work presentsunique challenges (and opportunities) to finding balance. Your professional and home demands will change over time. We will use small group break-outs and case-studies to explore strategies to address these challenges.
10:30am – 10:45am
Forest City Assembly
Workshops / Session 1B
Choose one of five
10:45am – 12pm
Novel Presentation Techniques
Javier Gonzalez def Rey, MD, MPH, MEd
Ambassador Ballroom
Thinking about Thinking: Diving into Cognitive Biases
Michelle Eckerle, MD & Joshua Nagler, MD, MPHEd
Glenn Room
There’s a school bus crash on 1-90!
Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH & Deanna Dahl-Grove, MD
Severance Room
Managing your Digital Identity in Healthcare
Brad Sobolewski, MD, MEd & Jason Woods, MD
Erie Room
Tips to survive and thrive: Integrating career and home life
Kathy Shaw, MD, MSCE & Rebecca Shaw Green, MD
Van Aken Room
12:00pm – 1:30pm
Gold Ballroom
Fellow Research Presentations / Small Groups
See your itinerary for group and room assignments
Afternoon Session I
1:30 – 3:00pm
3:00pm – 3:30pm
Gold Assembly
Afternoon Session II
3:30pm – 6:00pm
Thursday, April 18, 2024
7:00am – 8:00am
Forest City Assembly
Plenary: Into the Light: Leveraging Appreciative Inquiry for Trying Times in the Pediatric Emergency Department
8:00am – 9:00am
Beth Bubolz, MD
Forest City Ballroom
Appreciative Inquiry is a relentlessly positive approach to organizational change with a track record of catalyzing positive change in large organizations. In theEmergency Department, we have utilized the concepts in medical education for fellows and also for broader multidisciplinary change in the Emergency Department. We will share lessons learned and practical steps you can take to employ this method for positive change in your department.
9:00am – 9:15am
Workshops / Session 1A
Choose one of four
9:15am – 10:30am
What can I get ‘ya? Tips and tricks to ensure happiness in the ED (for yourself and your patients)
Sarah Lazarus, DO, Jerri Rose, MD & Sephora Morrison, MD, MS, MBA
Erie Room
In this interactive workshop, we will teach 10 skills that help optimize the patient/family experience. Empathy is a skill that can be taught, similar to all other clinical skills. Unfortunately, medicalstudents and residents actually have LOWER rates of empathy when evaluated pre-and post-medical school and residency. Using empathetic listening and 10 tips used in the restaurant and service industry, this unique session will engage fellows in discussion and skills practice focused on improving the patient/family experience. Pediatric emergency medicine physicians receive relatively little formaltraining on improving the patient/family experience, despite the continued and increasing impact this has on our lives in the ER. Developing skills to optimize patient/family experiences can ultimately contribute to increased success and satisfaction in our PEM careers.
Visual Representation of Data: Chart the right path for your next project
Brad Sobolewski, MD, MEd & JasonWoods, MD
Ambassador Ballroom
Sure, you can export your data into a chart or table. But does that tell the “story” that your manuscript or presentation seeks to tell. Effective figures suggest an understanding and interpretation of data; ineffective figures suggest the opposite. And frankly, there are a lot of ineffective figures in the medical literature. This engaging presentation will describe the tenets of good visual design for data representation through discussion and examples. This workshop will include structured activities to better represent data to tell the intended story of the project.
We’re All in the Same Boat: Aligning Mentor/Mentee Expectations for Mutual Success
Elizabeth Jacobs, MD, Leslie Dingeldein, MD & Jennifer Mitzman, MD
Glenn Room
Effective mentorship is critical to success, yet how does one find that perfect person? We will review the characteristics of a good potential mentor, as well as explore the concept of mentorship teams to harness the strengths of different faculty members. Participants will take time to reflect on their personal mentor/mentee experiences, share successes as well as strategize on overcoming challenges.
Precepting Pearls
Michael Goldman, MD & Alexandria Georgadarellis, MD
Severance Room
Preceptors in the pediatric emergency department (PED) aim to optimize learning for trainees without compromising team function or patient care. During this interactive session, participants will learn strategies to generate meaningful learning experiences, manage common challenging scenarios and provide effective post-shift feedback. Activities will include introduction and practice with existing teaching frameworks for acute care settings, and sharing best practices to address communication breakdowns, angry caregivers and overconfident or underperforming learners while on shift.
10:30am – 10:45am
Gold Assembly
Workshops / Session 1B
Choose one of four
10:45am – 12pm
What can I get ‘ya? Tips and tricks to ensure happiness in the ED (for yourself and your patients)
Sarah Lazarus, DO, Jerri Rose, MD & Sephora Morrison, MD, MS, MBA
Erie Room
Visual Representation of Data: Chart the right path for your next project
Brad Sobolewski, MD, MEd & JasonWoods, MD
Ambassador Ballroom
We’re All in the Same Boat: Aligning Mentor/Mentee Expectations for Mutual Success
Elizabeth Jacobs, MD, Leslie Dingeldein, MD & Jennifer Mitzman, MD
Glenn Room
Precepting Pearls
Michael Goldman, MD & Alexandria Georgadarellis, MD
Severance Room
Closing Plenary: Careers in Pediatric Emergency Medicine
12:15pm – 1:00pm
Forest City Ballroom
Elizabeth Jacobs, MD – Education
Charles Macias, MD, MPH – Quality Improvement
Kate Remick, MD – EMS / Pre-Hospital
Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH – Emergency Medicine