The 2023 Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellows Conference will be held in Louisville, Kentucky from Saturday, February 4 through Monday, February 6 at the Marriott Louisville Downtown, 280 West Jefferson Street, Louisville, KY 40202.
Welcome Letter to Fellowship Directors
Fellows’ Research Presentation Instructions
Pre-Conference Advanced Ultrasound Workshop Information
Saturday, February 4th
4 – 7PM / Registration
Salon E
5:30 – 6:30 / PM Cocktails (cash bar)
Salon E
6:30PM / Dinner Reception
Salon E
7:00 – 7:15PM / Introduction with Susan Fuchs, MD & Charles Macias, MD, MPH & Welcome by Danielle Graff, MD, MSc
Salon E
7:15 – 7:25PM / American Academy of Pediatrics – Deborah Hsu, MD, MEd
Salon E
7:25 – 7:35PM / Emergency Medical Services for Children – Charles Macias, MD, MPH
Salon E
Opening Plenary
7:35 – 8:35PM / From Bedside to Bench, back to Bedside, to App, to Policy, to Advocacy
Mary Clyde Pierce, MD
Salon E
The development of the TEN-4-FACES-p bruising clinical decision rule for children <4 years of age provide a wonderful journey of how an idea went from the bedside starting with 2 different children to the bench and biomechanical studies, to collecting clinical data at the bedside, to development of an app that provides the likelihood that a specific bruise is accidental or not that can be used at the bedside, to the creation of a TEN-4 day on October 4, 2022 and advocacy initiatives in Illinois. The speaker will provide insight into overcoming barriers, grant writing, funding issues and other issues along the way.
Sunday, February 5th
7 – 8AM Breakfast (Meet the Faculty)
Salon E
8-9A / The Resiliency to Address Childhood Adversity and Trauma
Audrey Brewer, MD, MPH
Salon E
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs}, are an important public health issue. ACEs are potentially traumatic experiences and events, such as abuse and neglect, discrimination, and living with an adult with a mental illness. ACEs can have negative, lasting adverse effects on a child’s growth and development, impacting their health well into adulthood. The goal of this session is to (1) better understand ACEs and how they impact child health, (2} how exposure to ACEs contributes to child health disparities, and (3) what we can do as pediatricians to advocate for addressing and mitigating the impact of ACEs during childhood to improve child health outcomes.
9:15 – 10:30AM / Session IA
Choose 1 of 5 workshops listed below
10:30 – 10:45AM / Break
10:45AM – 12PM / Session 1B
Choose 1 of 5 workshops listed below
Novel Presentation Techniques
Javier Gonzalez del Rey, MD, MPH, MEd
Salon A-B
Are you tired of same presentation styles–same Power Point Presentations, Traditional Formats? During this interactive workshop, attendees will discuss their presentation styles, and compare with novel presentation techniques which promote audience engagement and participation. These styles are used
in non-medical settings with great success and, most importantly, great responses from audiences.”
Creative Confidence: How to reawaken your capacity to brainstorm and innovate
Christine Cho, MD, MPH, MEd & Joshua Nagler, MD, MPHEd
Salon C-D
Want to be the Steve Jobs of PEM? Creative confidence is about believing in your own ability to innovate and adopting a growth mindset that creativity can be strengthened through experience and practice. Common training within clinical medicine may create a fear of mistakes that can lead to feeling stifled and regimented. During this hands-on, multi-media, lively session, participants will engage in structured activities designed to embrace vulnerability through self-reflection and adopt a growth mindset.
Demystifying Peer Review
Lise Nigrovic, MD, MPH & Michelle Stevenson, MD, MPH
Salon F-G
The peer review process can be mysterious to many PEM Fellows. Understanding the process will give fellows the tools to become excellent peer reviewers by learning the process. During the workshop, fellows will be given an original manuscript submission after a brief didactic session. The fellows will meetin small groups to discuss and generate a peer review. Aftersharing work-group output, the group facilitator will share the actual peer-review and the impact
on the final published manuscript. They will learn how the peer-review process shaped the final acceptedmanuscript. Ultimately these skills will help the fellow produce a high-quality manuscript that will successfully navigate the journal submission process.
Managing Teams, Meetings and Change: Concrete tools to help you achieve your goals
Sandra Spencer, MD
We work in teams every day: trauma teams, resuscitation teams, simulation teams, quality improvement teams… The list goes on and on. We’ve all been part of highly functioning teams that make
the work a joy. But we’ve also been a part of ineffective teams that struggle to achieve their objectives. How do you avoid poor team dynamics and become a successful team leader? Managing highly functional teams both at the bedside and in meeting rooms is an essential skill not always taught in standard curricula. Understanding change management and ability to guide teams through change marks an effective team leader. Using quality improvement as a model, we will discuss how team dynamics, meeting management, and preparing our team for change leads to success.
The Educator’s Portfolio: Why & How to Begin One Now
Jerri Rose, MD & Megan Evers, DO, MS, MSC
An educator portfolio (EP) is a valuable supplement to the curriculum vitae, providing medical educators with a systematic and thorough way to both reflect upon and document their scholarly teaching and educational scholarship. Starting an EP and developing a systematic approach to regularly updating it are activities that can help to promote Salon F professional identify formation and contribute to the career development of PEM fellows planning to pursue teaching as a component of their careers. In this workshop, PEM fellows will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to create and maintain their own EPs.
12 – 1:30PM / Lunch
Salon E
1:30 – 3PM / Fellows’ Research Presentations – Session 1
Assignments will be shared closer to the conference
3 – 3:30PM / Break
Salon E
3:30 – 6PM / Fellows’ Research Presentations – Session 2
Assignments will be shared closer to the conference
Monday, February 6th
8 – 9AM / Plenary: Should You Become an EMSC Scholar or Fellow?
Rachel Stanley, MD, MHSA; Jefferson Barrett, MD, MPH;
Cindy Chang, MD & Christopher Wright, MD
Salon E
The EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center launched the EMSC Fellows and Scholars Program in 2021 in an effort to grow future leaders within the EMSC space. The goal is to incorporate quality improvement methodology and systems-level approach to improving the care of children. An EMSC scholar is a 1-2 year appointment requiring 2-4 hrs./week. You receive mentorship from some of the nations’ leading PEM professionals and peer-to-peer learning, and develop and implement a project related to pediatric emergency care. An EMSC fellow is a 1-year program, requiring 2-4 hours per month, during which you serve on a national steering committee. You are assigned to a single area of focus with national mentorship that provides ongoing support and opportunities for participation (areas of focus: advocacy, collaboratives, disaster preparedness, hospital-based care, knowledge management, prehospital-based care, state partnership, trauma).
9 – 9:15AM / Break
9:15 – 10:30AM / Session IA
Choose 1 of 4 workshops listed below
10:30 – 10:45AM / Break
10:45AM – 12PM / Session 1B
Choose 1 of 4 workshops listed below
Time Management & Perusal Wellness: Are they Related?
Javier Gonzalez del Rey, MD, MPH, MEd
Salon A-B
Time management is a paramount important aspect of career development. Technology if used incorrectly can actually make us more inefficient and “unfocused”. During this workshop, participants will be able to understand different barriers and common mistakes incorporated in daily routines that affect productivity. Attendees will be able to walk through a “typical” day, identify distractions and personal barriers and then provide potential solutions which will then allow them to complete an action plan to take home to begin practicing early in their careers how to become effective faculty. During this session, the concept of wellness as a fellow and faculty will be introduced and linked to the time management concept. Participants will do in real time a proposed personal schedule to take back home and begin incorporating these concepts.
How Will You Measure Your Life: What Matters Most in Your Future Career?
Christine Cho, MD, MPH, MEd &
Joshua Nagler, MD, MPHEd
Salon C-D
During this interactive session, participants will be guided through activities to help understand and engage with meaningful drivers in their lives (both at work and at home). This workshop includes self-reflection activities, opportunities for discussions with colleagues and introduction of key principles, theories and strategies to help guide future leadership efforts. Educational approaches include a mix of multimedia, small-group sharing, and large group discussion.
How to Give Perfect Poster and Platform Presentations
Kerry Caperell, MD, MS, MBA & Lise Nigrovic, MD, MPH
Salon F-G
Your research has been accepted as a platform (or a poster) at a national meeting. This workshop will present an easy to follow guide to preparing and making a presentation or poster. Examples of good and not so good examples will be discussed.
Advocacy in Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Brit Anderson, MD & Lois Lee, MD, MPH
It is widely recognized that advocating for children and families is essential for pediatricians. Because of frequent patient interactions with a broad population and treating families during high stress times, pediatric emergency medicine physicians are especially well-positioned to advocate for the safety and health of kids. From patient interactions, providing community resources to legislative testimony there are numerous and varied ways for PEM docs to advocate. This session will examine the rationale for pediatric ED based advocacy and explore various to skills necessary to being an advocate. Specific examples will be used to illustrate the spectrum of advocacy in the ED.
12:15 – 1PM / Pediatric Emergency Medicine Quiz Bowl
Moderated by Ron Paul, MD
Salon E
During this friendly competition quiz bowl, 30 Fellows will be distributed into 3 teams of 10 to test their skills in Pediatric Emergency Medicine type questions as well as general knowledge. The winning team will receive a prize!
Sign up for this entertaining event at the registration desk